英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 17:36:13
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a course of action (following a given idea) that will lead to conflict if it continues unabated

2. a course of a moving object that will lead to a collision if it continues unchanged


1. 碰撞航向:碰撞方位 collision bearing | 碰撞航向 collision course | 天鸽座 Columba; Dove of Noah


2. 碰撞航線:碰撞灯标 collision beacon | 碰撞航线 collision course | 碰撞航线拦截 collision course interception

3. 赛车好手:68 4 On a Wing and a Prayer 飛越天關 | 69 5 Collision Course 賽車好手 | 70 6 The Survivors 求生訓練

Or are we on a collision course with some future crisis whose advancing outlines we can dimly perceive but seem powerless to stop?(或者我们真的是在一个有着一些可察觉却无力改变的未来危机的碰撞航线上?)
A giant iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.(巨大的冰山正在朝着可能与船发生相撞的方向漂移。)
This paper uses dynamic contact FEM to analyze impact and collision course of dynamic compaction to foundation soil.(本文采用动力接触有限元法分析了强夯对地基土的冲击碰撞过程。夯击过程中,夯点周边地基土存在局部大变形现象。)
An asteroid is on a collision course with the earth and you have one hour left to live. What would you do in your last 60 minutes?(如果一颗小行星即将与地球相撞,人类只能存活最后一小时,在这最后的60分钟里,你会做些什么呢?)
In short, the two parties remain on a collision course, with the train wreck currently scheduled for April 8th.(简而言之,两党仍在碰撞的过程中,目前预定这辆火车在4月8号失事。)
I was on a collision course with my boss over the sales figures.(我和我的老板在销售数字问题上差点发生争执。)
But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.(但是仍旧有成千上万颗小行星,它们的轨道是要与地球碰撞的。)
The destroyer was turning to a collision course .(驱逐舰改为迎面开来的航向。)
For many women, profession and family are pitted against one another on a high-stakes collision course.(对一些女人来说,职业和家庭在一个高风险的冲突过程上是互相抵触的。)
Our galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy.(我们的星系刻正移向与仙女座星系碰撞之途。)
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